SOFA Showcases Top Art Talent
Deborah Moore - Blue Lady SlipperIf you want to be inspired by a wide array of creative works, spend a day at SOFA, the International Exhibit of Sculptural Objects and Functional Art, held at the Park Avenue Armory in New York City. Under one roof, you can see paintings, glass sculpture, jewelry, furniture, ceramics, metalworks, and mixed media.
Deborah Moore is one of the many glass sculpture artists at SOFA. She's inspired by exotic flora as shown by her glass work, the bewitching hyper-realistic blue lady slipper orchid (see photo above). Other sculptures from her include the cattleya orchid and other rare pieces.
On a more whimsical note, artist Stephanie Trenchard, paid homage to furniture designs with her Nine French Chairs. Using sandcast glass, she incorporated painted famous French period chairs into her sculpture.
Stephanie Trenchard - Nine French ChairsIf painting is more your style, take a look at the mixed media work by Nancy Scheinman. Using collage techniques for her painting, Falling Lightly - Sounds of Water, Scheinman paints on copper and wood with added materials of paper, antique tin, and plexiglass. Scheinman starts with landscapes and expands her theme with fantastical images and abstract patterns.
Nancy Scheinman - Falling Lightly-Sounds of Water
Whatever your preference, there's always a piece of artwork for everyone. The subjects range from the sublime to the droll, from the everyday to the other-worldly. Take a look at SOFA next year.
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