D2S Editor Favorites
Favorite Chairs
We have fallen deeply in love with these Tie Chairs, crafted by Alabama Chanin. These are recycled ladderback chairs dating from the 1920s to the 1970s and they've woven funky ties to the seats and added carved sayings on the backs. Each chair is unique, and we can't resist. It's nice to see products that shun mass-produced looks.
Favorite Event
Experience a fascinating self-guided driving tour through Central Bucks County. Explore six sites of fine architecture, environmental, interior, and landscape design. As a final treat, ticket-holders are invited to enjoy a catered networking reception courtesy of Cote Catering, Chaddsford Winery, and The Bucks County Riverboat and Trolley Companies. For more information call the Chamber at 215-348-3913,email info@centralbuckschamber.com, or visit the event site.
Favorite Article
The New York Times came out with a fantastic article that we highly recommend for all homeowners who would seriously like to consider art and antiques as more than a hobby. Read Passion and Prudence, The Secrets to Collecting. (Pictured above, Leslie Keno of Sotheby's, a NY Times photo by Tony Cenicola)
Favorite Charitable Way to Shop
Nest is a non-profit organization that makes loans to women artisans around the world to create unique products that they then sell to repay the loans and help the artisans earn a sustainable living. Shop for hundreds of articles like (top to bottom) a Tanzanian basket, a Mexican leaf bowl, or Henry Road pillows. You'll also find the works of U.S. designers who are donating 25% of their revenue to Nest's mission.
Favorite Tricked-Out Doors
The folks at Philip Watts Design have developed a great business putting together fittings, fixtures, and accessories for the home, specializing in modern stairs and in porthole kits for doors. Some of their portholes are shown above, helping turn ordinary doors into nautical or just plain funky peek-through experiences.
Favorite Girl's Bed
It's difficult to find that blend of sophistication and youth needed in a young girl's bed, but Lea's Jessica McClintock Youth Collection strikes some pretty solid notes to us. Pictured above is the Tester bed.
Favorite Book
We love Aronzi Aronzo's whacko designs from Japan, and The Bad Book is now translated into English. Be prepared for some great laughs in a stylish and unusual addition to any coffee table!
Favorite Candidates' Houses
There has been much made of where this year's presidential candidates live. The top photo shows the Obama family's home in Chicago's Kenwood neighborhood while the bottom photo shows one of the McCain family homes (this one is in Arizona).